When Worry Steals Your Peace
Fear and worry… two tactics of the enemy designed to destroy our peace and lose sight of our purpose.
We all worry sometimes. It keeps your mind focused on the problem and fear of what could happen. It leads to overthinking and creates difficult feelings like helplessness and vulnerability.
Ultimately, it steals your peace.
When we live in a troubled state of mind we get very unhealthy, often quite quickly. Not only does our mental health suffer, but our physical well-being declines as well.
It’s not the way of Jesus. You may be thinking, “easier said than done.”
Jesus gives us a prescription. He says, “cast ALL your cares upon Me” (1 Peter 5:7). Think of it like casting a line when fishing. It’s not merely dropping the bait in the water but strongly whipping it out way beyond the boat. Likewise, Jesus tells us to “cast” our cares… throw them forcefully upon Him.
Why? Because He says He cares about us and what we care about. He is our Source…of hope, help, mercy, compassion, grace, forgiveness, truth, joy and most importantly, perfect love. And all you have to do is turn toward Him and ask…No begging or cleaning yourself up first. He takes you just the way you are. He just wants a personal relationship with you where you share your burdens with Him.
So today when you’re tempted to worry and fret, remember you have a perfect Friend who is waiting for you to share your burdens. His arms are open, and His shoulders are broad enough to handle all your struggles and problems. He loves you more than you can imagine and is waiting for you to whip those cares His direction. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of a better place to put my fears and worries.
Worry if you must, but limit it to a few minutes at most. Then say, “it will be what it will be. My worry won’t change it. I surrender it to God and breathe in His peace. Whatever the future holds He will give me what I need when I need it.” Then, move on to what’s right in front of you. Today is the gift to unwrap.
October 29, 2021
A comprehensive guide to help you find your way through the old and into the new, one simple step at a time