Within a year of starting my own business, I was struggling with fear of failure, self-doubt, and distraction that kept me focused on the wrong things and spinning in circles. I was highly self-critical, never satisfied with my accomplishments and believing the lie that I wasn’t enough. Bottom line: while I loved and served others well, I wasn’t allowing God’s love for me to fuel love for myself.  

I’ve been where you are right now…out of balance. Striving, trying, working non-stop, and out of focus.

In 2017, I took a huge leap out of my comfort zone to launch my own business as a Dream-Builder coach. My first client was me. 

In taking those difficult early steps my very first companion was, you guessed it, FEAR. You could say fear became a constant (unwelcome) companion. I was afraid of falling flat on my face.

Has it been hard learning to be a solo entrepreneur? Heck yes! Have I made mistakes? Oh yeah! Have I learned and grown into a better, truer version of myself? You bet! Have I got it all figured out now? Nope, still on the path of learning. 

I am walking out this journey of abundant living one baby step at a time. Some days, I take a step forward. On other days, I get caught in a web of fear (which is actually just vulnerability trying to talk me out of trying something new), when leads to hesitation and procrastination. 

But here’s what I want you to know: taking each step toward my dream of helping others reach theirs has been worth every single tear, sleepless night, and moment of struggle and confusion. 

Why? Because it is what God has called me to. And when God has a purpose for your life (and He does) He doesn’t call you to a boring, stay stuck, kind of life. He asks you to trust Him to show you the way. And, He does. And boy, is it an adventure (no dull moments!)

When God has a purpose for your life (and He does), He doesn’t call you to a boring, stay stuck, kind of life.


More peace. More impact. More joy. More focus. More confidence. More connection. More adventure. More aliveness.

Living the abundant life is possible when you say yes to the best and let go of the distractions that derail you from God’s purposes for your life. You are capable of amazing things and the world needs you to be YOU!

Are you struggling through trying times or feeling stuck in a sea of mediocrity, confusion and discontentment? You are designed for MORE...



How do I know this?

Because Jesus said so..."I have come to give you a full, abundant life" (John 10:10).

If that isn't the life you are currently living, I would be honored to help you discover the path with my proven process.

This makes her message and coaching so important and powerful today, as so many feel the only way through the disruptions life brings is to grind it out. This is not true! Being resilient is essential but it doesn’t mean you have to grind.
Are you tired of the grind? Are you ready to get unstuck? Then I highly recommend you speak with Dr. Richelle. Her perspective and her coaching are truly life-changing. I know - I have sought and implemented her counsel and I can tell you her input has impacted me and the entire Ziglar Family. I am grateful Dr. Richelle is a life-changing Ziglar Legacy Speaker and Coach.  

"Dr. Richelle has discovered something profound - that choosing to Grind rather than living in Grace is a bad choice!"

-Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar

What an amazing experience looking at myself from a lens of abundance and grace.  A woman full of life, devotion to her Lord but not at the expense of being happy with who I am, who God wants me to be. The awareness of the external triggers that cause me to spiral and have self-doubt has been the biggest self-awareness piece and has helped understand and change before these feelings become debilitating. I am so thankful for the journey and learning with Dr. Richelle. She is amazing and I would recommend her program to everyone as we all have things that through coaching can help you be a better, wife, mom, co-worker, friend.

"I needed to go to places that hurt in order to understand who I am today and who I want to be."

-Jill S., Abundant Purpose Program

I was so lost and really depressed after many losses including both of my parents. I knew I needed someone, and Dr. Richelle came along beside me and listened to what all I had to say, and then helped me start to heal and find the joy for my life that I was missing. I have started seeing things through a different perspective and give myself grace. Tools help calm me down when need be and how to be a better friend to myself. My confidence has been improving and the roadblocks I have been experiencing have been improving. I have gotten a lot stronger than when I first started.

"Dr. Richelle has given me ways to cope and see myself differently than I have been dealing with my grief and everyday life. "

-Jessie F.

Before we started, I felt as though I was drowning and there was no way out. She helped me discover what my strengths are and worked through my challenges and grief with me. She also strengthened my relationship with God in the process. My life is more balanced now because of her and I am more myself than I have ever been. There's no way I could have gotten to where I am today without her. 

"Working with Dr. Richelle changed my life. "

-Katie N., Abundant Purpose & Abundant Emotional Freedom Programs

Using my Abundant Life framework, you will learn to lead yourself well, understand how God uniquely created you, and develop the beliefs and habits to create a balanced life rooted in purpose, peace and prosperity.


God is calling YOU to an abundant life!

Road Trip:
From Survival to Legacy


By Dr. Richelle Hoekstra-Anderson & Tom Ziglar