God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle
Have you heard the following saying before?
Did you know that you won’t find it anywhere in the Bible?
Nope, not in there. It’s not true.
Let’s be honest. Throughout the course of our lives, we encounter some unbelievably difficult challenges, hurts, wounds, and even traumas. So often the pain we experience comes from the selfish choices of others and ourselves. That’s what the Bible calls sin. It’s living out of alignment with His will (which is love).
The state of the world we are in was not His original plan which was to live in perfect fellowship with Him and each other. Sin entered through believing the lie from Satan that what God provided us wasn’t enough. Since then the world reflects humanity’s decision to go our own way. Sin leads to pain, separation, even death.
So…what’s the remedy?
God provided a perfect solution to our own poor decision. His name is Jesus. We could never live perfect enough to restore fellowship with God, so He sent His Son Jesus into the world to save us from ourselves. He (Jesus), who never sinned, took our sins upon Himself and received the punishment we deserve (an agonizing death by crucifixion).
His suffering on our behalf means that if we receive His free gift of payment for our sins against God, ourselves, and each other (i.e., salvation), we are declared free from the bondage to sin and restore our relationship to our Creator.
Here are two additional gifts:
Jesus prepared us by telling us that in this world we will have trouble (no kidding!!). But God isn’t punishing us. Rather, He is pursuing us! He loves each one of us and wants us with Him through eternity.
Have you accepted His free gift of salvation? Are you walking in the truth that He is Immanuel (God With Us)?
He didn’t leave us all alone in this world to struggle by ourselves. He gave us His Holy Spirit as our Helper to meet each challenge with His strength and wisdom. In other words, God With You helps you handle ANYTHING you choose to trust Him with. The choice will always be yours.
If you haven’t done so, won’t you invite Jesus (who already loves you completely) to come into your life and receive an abundant life on earth and in heaven?
December 30, 2021
A comprehensive guide to help you find your way through the old and into the new, one simple step at a time