woman making a new year's resolution list

Creating Resolutions for the New Year

Life is ever-changing. Good things happen. Hard things happen. Nothing remains the same.

Your one and only life is too precious to waste, no matter your age. You’re never too old to take a different direction or set a new goal.

In this blog, we will discuss how to create goals and resolutions for 2024.

Reflections Before Creating Resolutions

One definition of resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something.”

As you begin creating resolutions for the New Year, ask yourself these questions:

  • What direction am I taking my life?
  • What decisions am I making that are helping me to grow?
  • Am I feeling “stuck” in some aspect of life that matters to me?
  • Am I merely surviving or thriving?
  • Am I experiencing peace and contentment or tension and longing for more?
  • Am I becoming better or bitter?
  • Am I growing or withering?

You can’t change the past. However, you can make a firm decision to take a baby step toward the life you are longing for… TODAY. Within you is the power to CHOOSE where you will direct your thoughts which is the starting place for taking action. Now is the perfect time to make some “firm decisions” for 2024.

5 Steps to Create Your New Year’s Resolutions

Consider what you are resolved to experience in 2024 and WHY it is important to you..

Take your time. As you reflect upon what you would like more (or less) of in the coming year, ask yourself WHY it matters to you. If you can’t connect it with a meaningful purpose, it will be difficult to commit yourself to taking action.

1. Create a simple outline around your resolutions (firm decisions) that align with your deepest longings.

What would you love your life to look and feel like one year from now?

Create resolutions that align with your deepest longings. Create a plan from your outline. Take it one step at a time. Reflect on your progress: You are taking charge of creating more abundance in your life.

2. Find an accountability partner to help you carry through on your commitments to yourself in 2024.

Think of someone to walk this road with you, perhaps a partner, close friend, grown child, parent, or life coach. Share your goals and ask them if they’d be willing to encourage you as you act on your plan. Perhaps they may share a similar goal, and you could have a “buddy system of encouragement.”

While it is your responsibility to work toward achieving your goals, having at least one person to cheer you on and provide support will go a long way. We often feel strongest when we are “fresh out of the gate” on January 1st, but motivation can falter by February. Support is essential in keeping you focused upon the vision you have for the year.

3. Take one small step TODAY and get a jump start on 2024.

No need to wait until the beginning of the year, or the beginning of the week. Today is always the best day to begin. And don’t dismiss the power of small steps. Progress is progress, no matter how slow or how small. Every small step moves you closer to the life you would love.

For further reading, check out this blog post on developing small habits to see big change in your life.

4. Let go of perfection!!

We can all lose focus and slip up. Give yourself GRACE. Sometimes it’s one step forward and two steps backwards. Shake it off. Life is a journey and it’s meant to be enjoyed. Much learning can come from our missteps and failures. Cheer yourself on with positive self-talk.

5. With God, all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

God equips and empowers you for every good work (Hebrews 13:21). The greatest partner on the journey to living more abundantly is Jesus. Involve Him in this process of creating and executing your plan for living intentionally aligned with His calling upon your life. He loves you and wants to help you embrace the abundant life. Nothing is impossible with God…lean into Him to help you especially when the going gets tough and you are tempted to quit. He’s got you and won’t let go!

I pray 2024 will be a year of fresh beginnings, but don’t wait until January 1st. Your precious life deserves your focus today. Take one small step today. And don’t forget to celebrate each step forward. It will give you the momentum to keep going.

Perhaps your next best step is to learn more about how life coaching might help you reach goals, solve problems that are keeping you stuck, and discover how you are uniquely designed to experience greater abundance in your relationships, career, business and/or health. Please set up a complimentary 15-minute call with me, and together we will discover your next best step to creating a life you love.

January 1, 2024


I'm Dr. Richelle.

I'm here to help you navigate through life’s toughest challenges, guide you through the healing process, and show you simple steps to create a brighter future.

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New Beginnings:
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A comprehensive guide to help you find your way through the old and into the new, one simple step at a time