woman taking small steps and persevering as she overcomes obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles Starts with This Simple Mindset Shift

Obstacles are an inevitable part of life, but how you respond to them determines whether they’ll hold you back or propel you forward. Learning to overcome obstacles isn’t just about achieving success; it’s about discovering the resilience, courage, and growth that lie on the other side of challenges.

Here’s how you can harness perseverance to navigate setbacks, overcome obstacles, and keep moving toward your goals.

What Is Perseverance?

Perseverance is the ability to keep going when things get tough. It is honoring your short-, medium-, and long-term commitments and responsibilities in the pursuit of your long-term goals. Displaying perseverance means placing a higher priority on future rewards than on any short-term gratification.

It’s choosing to stay committed to your goals even when the road ahead feels uncertain or overwhelming. Perseverance isn’t about ignoring difficulties—it’s about facing them with courage, adaptability, and hope. When you persevere, you embrace the process, learn from setbacks, and build the inner strength needed to overcome any obstacle.

Why Perseverance Matters

Think about any worthwhile goal you ever achieved in life – chances are it came as a direct result from working at it for a while—from persevering. Have you ever noticed that big goals that take effort and perseverance to accomplish feel a lot more rewarding than ones that come easy?

Aside from the obvious benefits of achieving the goal you set out to accomplish and the personal satisfaction you feel after achieving it, displaying perseverance provides many more far-reaching advantages and benefits. Developing and practicing perseverance can help you to: 

  • Become more adaptable and flexible. You learn how to adjust ‘on the fly’.
  • Improve your problem-solving skills. You get creative when it comes to working towards what you’re passionate about. 
  • Improve your confidence and willingness to take risks. Achieving our goals shows us what we’re capable of accomplishing.  
  • Increase your odds of succeeding, no matter what the odds or obstacles. Overcoming the odds becomes second nature.
  • Inspire yourself and those around you. Achievement can be contagious. 
  • See failures, mistakes, and setbacks as learning opportunities rather than as personal flaws. 
  • Improve your relationships by helping you find ways to create common ground with the people you want in your life. 
  • Improve your mental health. Reaching our goals makes us happy and that reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Build character. You follow through on your word, get results, and don’t abandon your dreams when times get tough.

The journey may not be easy, but the rewards of persevering go far beyond the goals you achieve.

Related Reading: How an Abundant Life Coach Can Propel You Toward Success

Related Reading: 7 Questions Every Individual Needs to Consider When Leaving Their Comfort Zone

Tips for Overcoming Obstacles and Strengthening Your Perseverance

When life throws challenges your way, use these strategies to push through and keep going:

1. Figure Out Your ‘Why’

Think of a long-term goal you have set for yourself. Why is it important to you? What’s exciting about it? Why are you passionate about it? Applying your efforts and energy toward something you love—what’s important to you—comes with built-in motivation. That means you’re much more likely to keep working towards achieving it. Perseverance is easier to sustain when you know the ‘why’ behind your goal.

2. Remember Past Experiences

    Think of a recent time when your persistence paid off. Who doesn’t love it when hard work ends with a great result? Recalling times when you stuck with it and succeeded is a reminder that your fierce and unyielding commitment pays off. When times get tough, remember that you’ve done it before and can do it again!  

    3. Take One Small Step

      Think of a challenge, obstacle, or setback you’re facing right now that has you feeling stuck. What’s one small action you can take right now to get you the slightest bit closer to your goal? While the challenges you face may feel insurmountable, there’s always one small action you can take. Even the tiniest of steps forward counts as progress.

      4. Pace Yourself

        Biting off more than you can chew or setting unreasonable expectations for yourself can lead to feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or even burned out. Your passion may fade and your dream may seem unreachable. It’s easy to let our initial enthusiasm get the best of us. When that happens, remember the moral of the fable, the Tortoise and the Hare: ‘Slow and steady wins the race’.

        5. Be Patient

          No one said success would be easy. Reaching your dreams takes time. There are no shortcuts. It’s a process that can last weeks, months, years. But remember, anything worthwhile takes time, effort, and persistence. Take action. Take a breath. Carry on. The results will follow. 

          6. Learn from Your Mistakes.

            Perseverance doesn’t exist without failure. When you were learning to walk, did you stand up on your first try? Or did you fall and have to stand up and try again? If you’re like most people, you fell. A lot. Your so-called mistakes and failures are simply an opportunity to learn how to improve your efforts and results.

            Related Reading: 6 Questions to Name Your “Why” and Life Purpose

            Related Reading: Start Small? Developing Habits to See Big Progress in Your Life

            Seeking Support? Let’s Connect.

            Overcoming obstacles isn’t just about reaching the finish line; it’s about the transformation that happens along the way. Each challenge teaches you resilience, builds your character, and brings you closer to becoming the person you were meant to be. For guidance on your path to an abundant life, schedule a complimentary call with me.

            Join the free community of positivity, encouragement, and tips for creating an ABUNDANT LIFE! It all begins with choosing the right thoughts and creating the right habits to live a life of abundance. I’m Dr. Richelle, an Abundant Life and Business Coach, and I am passionate about helping people become happier, healthier, and purpose-led by developing a healthy relationship with themselves, others, and God.

            January 20, 2025


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            By Dr. Richelle Hoekstra-Anderson & Tom Ziglar

            I'm Dr. Richelle.

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